Hi. How Are You?

I'm Ramakrishna Reddy, creator of PublicSpeakKing. I created this platform for only one thing:

Help You Gain Confidence Through Public Speaking.

Many fear public speaking and stay away from it. My take is DIFFERENT.

If you are going to a club, reading books or doing anything to get good at public speaking, here's my take:

Don't confine yourself to your stage. See the world as your stage. And apply the confidence in your day-to-day life.

That’s when the magic happens.

You see, there is the belief that you need confidence to speak in front of people. The reality is you gain confidence after speaking in front of people.

Public Speaking is a skill and you gain CONFIDENCE by learning this skill.

All my work (books, courses, coaching) is driven by SIMPLICITY. I've removed the complexity so that Public Speaking is:

Simple to Understand, and Easy to Implement.

A few years ago, I couldn't even ask a girl out for a date. It's NOT that I lacked ability. I just lacked CONFIDENCE.

Then, I stumbled upon a chance to learn public speaking. It was one of those times when nothing seemed to be going right in your life, and you tried something....I tried public speaking.

But there was a reason.

When I was in third grade, I competed in a speech contest and bombed miserably.

Again, I got another chance in my adult life. I started competing in professional speech contests. I've won more than 25 public speaking contests, reaching the top 3 at the district level in the US and India. Before you think I'm a show off, I'll be honest. I've lost a lot of contests too and I'm still learning! I'm just trying to say that getting good at public speaking is a learnable skill.

This changed everything. I gained so much confidence that I wanted to inspire others to do well with public speaking and communicate with confidence.

So I started writing books, creating courses and coaching people.

I even got confidence to ask a girl out for a date, who eventually became my girlfriend, and now I'm married (same girl, not a different one) and we are blessed with a son (Ok, again with the same girl, not a....).

And I've helped hundreds of professionals get amazing results through my bookscourses and coaching

(links to sources. Just sharing so that you know I'm not fooling around!)

If this all makes sense, and you believe that my work can add value to you, then I'd recommend you access my book Public Speaking Essentials and Public Speaking Topic Secrets for FREE. Both are quick and super valuable books (Okay, they are paid books in amazon but I own the rights, so I can give them for free).

This way, you'll be added to my email community and have access to my edutaining (educational & entertaining) emails. See you in there!

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